purchase show tickets here


SAF Night of Film - An evening of films by local film-makers. FRIDAY OCT 13 - 7:30PM

Covering Joni - The Reprise - Originally produced for the Sechelt Arts Festival in 2013, we are reprising this concert 10 years later. Featuring most of the same artists as the original production. Ravens Cry Theatre. SATURDAY OCT 14 - 7:30PM and SUNDAY OCT 15 - 2PM

Little Voices - Small Spaces Plays at the Seaside Centre. SATURDAY OCT 22 - 7:30PM

Buffalo Dreaming Matinee - Dance. Decolonize. Repeat. SUNDAY OCT 23 - PM

Music Macabre Pipe Organ Recital - Dirges, fugues, and haunting music that fits the Halloween weekend spirit, played on St Hilda's magnificent pipe organ. SATURDAY OCT 29 -7PM

Samhain Parade and Carnival - Halloween night, dress up and join in the Samhain (pronounced SOW-in) Parade and Carnival. Thriller Flashmob! Fire-Dancers! Junkyard Band! Catrina facepainting at the Seaside Centre from 3-6pm. Assemble for the parade at 5:30pm.The parade starts at 6pm at the Seaside Centre and walks to the new Hackett Park stage. All ages FREE event. (dress warmly and bring an umbrella)

Note: if you have a problem with purchasing online tickets contact: info@secheltartsfestival.com to have a ticket(s) held at the door, if they are not sold out.

reserve a FREE workshop space here


Mask Making Workshop - Mexican ‘Catrina’ Masks - Master mask artist Gerardo Avila will show you how to make carnival style masks just in time for Halloween. All ages welcome SATURDAY OCT 15 - 2-5PM

Assemblage Art Workshop with Tam Harrington - Make a special piece of art from Tam’s amazing found and recycled collection. SATURDAY OCT 29@10AM

Build a Pipe Organ Workshop - Help assemble a working miniature model of a Pipe Organ from OrgelKidsCAN. SATURDAY OCT 22 - 10AM

Mask Making Workshop - Samhain Demi-masks - Master mask artist Gerardo Avila will show you how to make carnival style masks just in time for Halloween. All ages welcome. SATURDAY OCT 29 from 2-5PM