2015 photo GALLERY
This experiential art exhibition featured ‘multi-dimensional’ visual and sensory perceptions of how twelve coast-based artists interpret the subject of CEDAR. Influenced by different cultural backgrounds and the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and spirit, visual artists, sculptors, fibre-artists, writers and musicians came together to collaborate in an “art as process” journey of self and collective discovery for this unprecedented art exhibition.
A flight of fancy created by a team of diverse performers led by Mardi Ahmed and presented in the fabulous shishalh Longhouse.
Florilege with margie Gillis
This year Margie Gillis celebrated the 40th anniversary of an exceptional career as a choreographer and soloist. An exquisite gift to the audience, Florilège was a journey through time that provides a brief overview of some of her most emblematic work
Exploring the practical past and the present cultural relevance of CEDAR (Texemay) in Coast Salish culture, the “Tree of Life” heritage exhibit touched on the myriad applications of cedar through storytelling, illustration, photos and video. Hosted in the Sechelt Nation’s tems swiya museum.
Trudi d'Ambrumenil and Errol Lipschitz entertained with a puppet show. Sayata Gabriel and John Conway story-telling in costume.
Vivian Houle and Budge Schachte gave intimate concerts a the Sechelt Arts Centre.
Emerging Sounds
Steve Weave is a Coast based musician who mentors youth through his Sound studio and is well known on the Coast for producing memorable events. This show featured young Coast musicians in performance playing original songs, culminating with an all ages dance party and live band remixing today’s pop hits, visuals by Mieke Jay..
Franca Tesloveanu shared her world of Art Dolls, Jessica Silvey demonstrated the traditional art of cedar bracelet making and cedar basket weaving, tips and tricks on music software Ableton by Anthony Traynor, Vocal Imrpov with Viviane Houle, Errol and Trudi ran a cedar birdhouse assembly workshop. Xwu’p’a’lich (Barb Higgins), shíshálh Nation elder, spoke about the traditional ways red and yellow cedar were used by the shíshálh people.